A wisdom tooth is a third and final set of molars that many of the people get soon in the early twenties and some people will get in their late teens. It is a valuable asset to your mouth when it is maintained properly and it requires removal when it not maintained well. Impacted wisdom tooth encloses within the soft tissue and it partially breaks through the gum. It allows an opening for the viruses and bacteria enter into the tooth and causing infections and results in bleeding, pain, aches, swelling, and common illness.
The impacted wisdom tooth is a type of disorder whereas final and premolars are prevented from erupting into your mouth. This is mainly caused because when the tooth is angled away from a horizontal position of your mouth.
Symptoms and causes of impacted wisdom tooth
Impacted wisdom tooth not always causes symptoms. Only sometimes it will cause symptoms. If your impacted wisdom tooth becomes infected, it will cause many dental problems and also you experience some symptoms in your teeth:
Swelling in the gums.
Pain in jaw areas.
Bleeding gums.
Trouble in breathing.
It feels too difficult in the opening of a mouth.
Bad taste experience in your mouth.
Impacted wisdom tooth doesn’t have enough space to come in and to develop normally. Wisdom teeth start to grow between the ages of 17 and 25 for most of the people. Some people have a wisdom tooth that does not cause any damage to the mouth and some people may experience severe pain that becomes trapped. Impacted wisdom can grow in many angles like:
1. Angle towards the next tooth.
2. Angle towards the backside of mouth.
3. Right angle to other teeth.
Complications of impacted wisdom teeth
The impacted wisdom tooth can cause some complications in your mouth are listed below:
Damage to other teeth: It may cause damage to other teeth and also increase the infection in surrounding areas. It requires a root canal or orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth.
Cysts: If you cannot seek a doctor soon, wisdom tooth develops in a sac and the sac is filled with a fluid to form a cyst. The cyst will cause damage to your jawbones, nerves, gums, and teeth. It requires the removal of bones and tissues from your teeth.
Decay: Wisdom tooth infection can cause tooth decay. It is very hard to clean your mouth because the food is trapped between the infected tooth and gum.
Gum disease: If cleaning is not properly done, it results in a gum disease called pericoronitis.
Treatment for wisdom tooth infection:
Consult your nearby dentist and that will help you to determine what kind of treatment is best for your tooth. Some treatments are available for wisdom tooth infection includes:
- Medications
- Emergency dental work
- Minor surgery
How wisdom teeth get infected?
Once if your wisdom teeth got infected, it is very hard to clean. Food can get easily trapped between erupted teeth and gums. Clean it with soft floss and not use any sharp equipment. It can grow in a vertical angle at the back of your mouth which causes pain, bleeding and swelling. If the bacteria in tooth overgrow, it makes holes in the layer of enamel and thus leads to a formation of a cyst. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses can cause infection in the salivary gland and in wisdom teeth.
Regular visiting dentist and updating of dental x-rays may reduce the wisdom tooth infection before any signs and symptoms develop.